The Technology

Gasification Definition

A process technology that is designed and operated for the purpose of producing synthesis gas (a commodity which can be used to produce fuels, chemicals, intermediate products, or power) through the chemical conversion of carbonaceous materials.

A process that converts carbonaceous materials through a process involving partial oxidation of the feedstock in a reducing atmosphere in the presence of steam at temperatures sufficient to convert the feedstock to synthesis gas, which is later cleaned and used to run generator or used in heating for thermal usage. 

The Gasifier is essentially a chemical reactor where various physical and chemical processes take place and break the solid fuel down into Producer Gases. Four distinct processes take place in a gasifier:

1. Drying of the fuel The moisture in the feed comes out in this zone in the form of water vapor. Drying takes place in the  Gasifier, through heat transferred from the high temperature combustion zone. 

2. Pyrolysis This is chemical decomposition of organic materials by heating in absence of oxygen at higher temperatures. During pyrolysis, volatiles are released (in the form of gas) and ash is produced. 

3. Combustion This is where controlled oxygen is given to the fuel and oxidation/ burning occurs. Heat and energy are released. 

4. Reduction The combustion products mainly CO2 (Carbon-di-Oxide) and H2O (water vapor) get reduced in the prensence of high temperature carbon to finally give CO (Carbon-mono-oxide) and H2 (Hydrogen).

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